The right information at the right time remains a business technology goal. Unfortunately, according to McKinsey, employees continue to spend about 1.8 hours every day – 9.3 hours per week – searching and gathering information. That means when you hire five employees, only 4 work; the fifth is busy searching for answers.

When a proposal contributor carves out time to write, you want them to spend as little time as possible looking around for reusable or boilerplate content to tailor. You want them to, instead, invest their time in the innovation and writing that advances the maturity, quality, and win probability of your proposal.

If your team is spending time looking for content created and/or stored outside or inside of Privia, consider using the Workspace Link feature.

In Web, Link to an external source:

  1. Right-click the Workspace Folder.
  2. Select New and then Link.
  3. Enter a Link Name.
  4. Enter a URL.
  5. Add a Description (optional).
  6. Click OK.

In Web, Link to an internal (Privia) source:

  1. Right-click the Workspace Folder.
  2. Select New and then Link.
  3. Toggle the selection from URL to Table/Published File.
  4. Use the drop-down at the right to browse and locate the File.
  5. Use the drop-down above to locate the Workspace
  6. Use the pane on the left to select the Folder.
  7. Use the pane on the right to select the File.
  8. Click OK
  9. Add a Description (optional).
  10. Click OK.

In Platform, Link to an external source:

  1. Right-click the Workspace Folder.
  2. Select New and then Link.
  3. Enter a Link Name.
  4. Select Target Type = URL.
  5. Enter a URL
  6. Add a Description (optional).
  7. Click OK.


In Platform, Link to an internal (Privia) source:

  1. Right-click the Workspace Folder.
  2. Select New and then Link.
  3. Enter a Link Name.
  4. Select Target Type = Published File/Table.
  5. Browse to locate the File.
  6. Select the File and click Attach.
  7. Add a Description (optional).
  8. Click OK.

The Link will appear in the appropriate Workspace Folder, making it easier for the team to navigate to content sources both inside and outside of Privia.

Consider linking to outside sources such as corporate content stored in SharePoint or Microsoft Teams, or a client case study on your website. Or consider linking to content inside of Privia to help guide the team. If you find yourself linking to the same resources with each proposal, try adding those Links to your Workspace Template

Remember, when a document is published to Privia it is automatically indexed for Advanced Search. Searching all of Privia or just a specific Organization, Workspace, or Folder, as well as Linking helps your team get to their first draft more quickly.