This is a document that goes into detail about the Support services that are available to all companies that are not utilizing the small business offerings of Privia.
Privia LLC providesdifferent support options for customers based on services that are contractedby customers. This document is intendedto explain the various support options and limitations.
Support Model for thePrivia Product
The design of thePrivia support model is that of a “Level 2” and above support system. Every customer of Privia can identify alimited number of people that can contact Privia Support (typically 3, but canbe changed through a contract modification). Typically these individuals act as first level support and will fieldquestions from end users. Since everycustomer has a different environment and different methods of using the Priviaproduct, the technical support contacts act as the helpdesk for Privia for endusers so that they can field any questions that come up that are unique totheir environment.
Privia support isnot a replacement for a company’s helpdesk. End user questions should be handled by the technical contacts first andthen support should be used when the technical contacts are unable to resolvethe issue.
Below are somecommon problems that are appropriate for Privia support:
- Technical contact forgot how to perform a task in Privia, request directions on performing the task
- End user is receiving an error that the technical contact has never seen
- Technical contact has identified a possible bug or problem with the system
Below are somecommon misconceptions about what Privia support will do:
- Add users to a system after an administrator has been established (customers should have more than one administrator so that there is a backup if the primary admin is not available or cannot get to a system)
- Remove users from a system
- Add users to workspaces
- Download or manage documents in a Privia system
- Create groups or manage users in groups within a system
- Set rights for users in a system
- Provide end-user installation support on untested or unsupported systems
- Provide end-user support after hours on home systems
- Need to increase number of licenses or storage (note that this should be directed to the customer sales executive in order to modify the contracted services)
Support Model for the SpringCM Product
Privia LLC is a value added reseller of theSpringCM platform. Customers that purchasethe SpringCM product through Privia LLC are provided initial helpdesk supportthrough the standard Privia helpdesk system. This means that the SpringCM product uses the same email and phonecontacts that are used for the Privia product offering. The goal is to have Privia LLC manage theescalations just as are done for the Privia product and to provide the samelevel of support to both customers of the Privia product and the SpringCMproduct.
As with the Privia product, the design ofthe support model is to provide Level 2 support for the product. All end user questions must go throughTechnical support contacts at the customer company before they come to thePrivia helpdesk. Privia LLC staff willthen look at the issue and try to resolve it with the customer. If Privia LLC cannot resolve the issue, theissue may be escalated to a SpringCM 3rd level support desk. But throughout the process, the Privia LLChelpdesk and ticket system will remain the vehicle of communications.
Technical Contacts
Only the technical contacts are allowed to contact Privia LLCsupport for assistance. If any otheruser attempts to contact the Privia support system, the system willautomatically reroute the request to the technical contacts for the companyidentified by the user’s email domain and close the ticket. The technical contact is then expected towork with the end user to resolve the issue. In the event that the issue cannot be resolved by the technical contactsfor Privia, any of the technical contacts can open a ticket with Privia supportto get assistance on resolving the issue.
Note that Privia support does not do end user helpdesksupport. Therefore the technical contactwill need to work with support to get the end user assistance. This may involvebeing the go-between with the end user and Privia support or participating introubleshooting sessions with the end user and Privia support. It is expected that over time, the technicalsupport contacts will learn to follow the same troubleshooting methods thatPrivia support uses in order to do first level support with the end users.
Customers frequently confuse the role of the technicalcontact with the role of a Privia Administrator. A Privia system can have as many PriviaAdministrators as there are users of the system. But being a Privia Administrator does notaffect the Privia support system as it is completely separate from the Priviasystem. A Privia Administrator can be aTechnical contact but there is no correlation between the two roles.
Technical contacts will only be updated under the followingconditions:
- An existing technical contact sends a support ticket in to add or remove a technical contact (note that the other technical contacts will receive a copy of this request so any request to delete a technical contact will be known by the other technical contacts)
- If all technical contacts have left a company, the contracting officer that signed the Privia contract can contact the sales executive through email to request new contacts be established. This must be received in writing so that there is a record of the request.
Tickets are opened by sending an email to Response times to the tickets are defined ina latter section of this document. Thesupport system will compare the email domain of the sender of the email andthen associate the ticket with the appropriate customer. Thus it is extremely important that users sendmessages from their company domain.
When a ticket is opened with the support system, the systemwill:
- Automatically copy all other technical contacts on the ticket and send a message back to the originator letting them know that the ticket has been opened.
- If the person sending the ticket in is not one of the company technical contacts, then the user will receive a message that the issue has been forwarded to the technical contacts and the ticket will automatically be closed. In this case, the technical contacts will receive a copy of the support request and can then respond to the end user to gain information about the issue. If the technical contact believes that additional Privia support is needed, the technical contact should respond to the ticket to cause the system to reopen the ticket and route it to the support queue.
Since the system correlates the tickets to the appropriatecompany based on the email of the sender of the message, it is important thatthe technical contacts use their company domain when communicating with Priviasupport. If a technical contact were toask to use a Gmail, AOL, MSN, or other generic domain for an email address, thetechnical contact will likely receive spam from the Privia support systembecause any spam that hits support@privia.comfrom that generic domain will be routed to the technical contacts for thecompany that used that generic domain.
When work has been completed on a ticket, Privia supportwill request confirmation that the issue can be closed. If no response is received from the technicalcontacts relating to closing the ticket, the ticket will be closedautomatically after 3 attempts to make contact with the technical contact.
GettingTicket updates
Technical contacts have access to the support system througha Web interface where they can check the status of all tickets that have beenopened.
Severity 1: System down, all users out of service
Severity 2: System impaired, most users out of service,but some still have access
Severity 3: One (or a few) customers have an issue
Severity 4: Question about usage of the product orrequest for information
PriviaStandard Support
Standard supportis the default model for customers that purchase Privia and run it behind theirown firewalls. In this form, customersown and operate the hardware and have perpetual licenses to the software.
Hours ofoperation/phone support
- Normal business hours: Phone support and email support is available from 8am Eastern Time through 6pm Eastern Time Monday through Friday excluding Privia LLC company holidays.
- After Hours: Not available for Standard Support
Severity 1& 2
Severity 1 & 2 will be handled with a max of 2 hourresponse time from when the ticket is opened during normal business hours. If Severity1 or 2 tickets is opened after hours, on weekends, or on holidays, the ticketwill be address the next business day.
Severity 3& 4
Severity 3 & 4 will be handled with 4 hour response timewhen the ticket is opened during normal business hours. If a Severity 3 or 4 ticket is opened afterhours, on weekends, or on holidays, the ticket will be addressed the nextbusiness day.
PriviaExtended Support
Extended supportis the default model for customers that purchase Privia on-demand such that PriviaLLC runs the servers for the customer in the Privia LLC hosting centers.
Hours ofoperation/phone support
- Normal business hours: Phone support and email support is available from 8am Eastern Time through 6pm Eastern Time Monday through Friday excluding Privia LLC company holidays.
- After hours: Email support is available during non-normal business hours
Severity 1& 2
Severity 1 & 2 will be handled with a max of 2 hourresponse time during normal business hours and 4 hour response time duringafter hours from when the ticket is opened during the hours of operation. If a Severity 1 or 2 ticket is opened afterhours, on weekends, or on holidays, the ticket system will automatically pageout the on-call support staff to work the issue.
Severity 3& 4
Severity 3 & 4 will be handled with 4 hour response timeduring normal business hours and 4 hour response time during after hours from whenthe ticket is opened during the hours of operation. If a Severity 3 or 4 ticket is opened afterhours, on weekends, or on holidays, the ticket will be addressed the nextbusiness day.