Yes it is possible to move Workspaces in theory. But it is a multi step process if you are interested in retaining version history and comment history. Organizations in theory are meant to serve as a virtual firewall between user groups (which we understand is not always the case). A couple things to note:

  • * If the users do not  exist in the new Org. They will not able to be added to the imported Workspace. At which point a Privia Admin will need to add them to the Org before they can be added to the Workspace. 
  • * Any Opportunity Data that is associated with the Workspace will not be transferred to your new Organization. That content is locked to the Organization in which is was created. 
  • * Imported Workspaces recreate the Folder Structure and User Membership But only publish the latest version of the file content. (Version 6 will display as Version 1)

Synopsis of the steps. 
  • The process starts with taking ownership of all the content in the Workspace. 
  • Once you have Ownership export the Workspace you would like to move. 
  • Import that Workspace into your other Organization.  

IF you would like to retain Version history and Comment history you will then need delete the folder structure to Copy the content from the original Workspace which will give you the options to Copy Version history and Copy Comments. 

Actual Steps:
  1. Take Ownership of all of the content in the Workspace
  2. Login to Platform Client
  3. Navigate to your Workspace
  4. Right Click on the Workspace and select Save As
  5. Select the save location (desktop)
  6. On the Save Workspace dialog make sure the "Save As" field is set to" Privia Template Structure (*pxml) "
  7. Click Save (Privia will export the Workspace into a new folder on your desktop)
  8. Return to Privia and navigate to your new Organization
  9. Right Click on the Organization and select Import Workspace
  10. Navigate into the newly created folder on your desktop and select the PXML file. 
  11. On the Workspace Import  dialog confirm the "Import As" Name Field and "Workspace Permissions"
  12. Click OK to begin Import
  13. Click Close when Workspace Import is complete

If you do not need Previous Versions or Comments you should be done. (reset permissions as needed)IF you need Previous Versions or Comments. 

  1. Delete the Folder Structure that was re-created as part of the import. 
  2. Return to your original Workspace and select the Workspace in the Left Treeview.
  3. The right content pane should display the top level folders
  4. Select all of the folders with a Shift + Click Action
  5. Hold down Ctrl and Drag the Folders to the New Workspace.
  6. On the copy action dialog confirm copy Version History and Copy Version Comments are selected and click OK

The folder structure will be recreated and all files and versions will be recreated as well.