
Why can't I see the default processes that come with Privia?
The Privia default processes are delivered in a hidden organization called "Templates." Only the super administrator can see the templates organiz...
Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 2:43 PM
User is set up correctly but cannot view any objects?
This is most likely due to one of three different scenarios Scenario 1: The user may not be a member of the particular workspace or organization and th...
Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:25 PM
Why doesn't the "Reports" function appear in my Navigation menu?
The reporting capability only exists if you are logged in with a Manager persona or any persona above Manager (Exec, Data Admin, TO Exec, etc.) By default, ...
Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 10:57 AM
When I try to open a document, I get an error saying “file is in use by another application,” why is this?
The most common cause of this error is that a MS Office Application is stuck in a state where a file was previously viewed, Edited or commented on and MS Of...
Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 4:09 PM
Why am I getting a permission error when trying to launch an opportunity?
This issue could stem from multiple different scenarios but the three most common are below: Scenario 1 - You must have Launch Rights These are rights ...
Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 1:21 PM
Why am I receiving the error “type correct information” from the Privia Profiler when I try to profile my user?
The most common cause of the is error is there might be a slight difference with the credentials you entering and the credentials that are correct, this cou...
Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 4:49 PM
When validating my process, I get an error that says “Activity with Decision on the preceding path and potentially can be stuck,” why is this?
This is a problem with the process definition.   When an activity gives you this error, you must go to the activity with the error and click on the Pins ta...
Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 2:44 PM
Why can’t I archive a subworkspace?
Only top level workspaces (those that are directly under an organization name) can be archived. This is due to the basic folder structure Privia has set up....
Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 2:45 PM
I launched an opportunity and put a user in the workspace but the user cannot edit the opportunity data in the Web view
This is most likely due to the user not having sufficient permissions to edit the opportunity data. Under Privia's current model, in order to edit oppor...
Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 10:31 AM
How is the priority of a ticket determined?
The priority for a ticket can be modified through the Privia support portal by a registered technical point of contact or by a Privia support representative...
Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 11:39 AM